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lyrik lagu

ni lirik lagu yang di putar sekarang,,,,,
"" soko "" i'll kill her...............

So, of course, you are supposed to come tonight.
You are supposed to come tonight.
We'll have gone to the cinema
and after to this restaurant, the one you like in your street.
We'll have slept together,
have a night breakfast together.
And walking about together.
How beautiful is that!
You would have said 'i love you' in the cutest place on earth where some lullabies are dancing with the fairies.
I would have waited like a week or two but you never tried to reach me, no, you never call me back.

[2 sentences]

So, if I find, I swear,I swear,

I'll kill her, I'll kill her.
She stole my future,
She broke my dream,
I'll kill her, I'll kill her.
She stole my future
When she took you away

I would have met your friends
We would have drunk like a drink or two.
They would have lied to me,
'Cause sometimes I'm funny!
I would have met your dad,
I would have met your mum.
She would have said 'please, can you make some beautiful babies?'
So we would have had a boy called Tom, and a girl called Suzanne
..born in Japan !

I thought it was a love story,
But you don't want to get involved.
I thought it was a love story,
But you're not ready for that.
Me neither,


She's a bitch, you know
She's got her blondless
No need a tenderness
She's cleverless.

I would have waited like a week or two but you never tried to reach me, no, you never call me back.


4 komentar:

  1. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_RVpTV2JOOxA/S1US6WXsh3I/AAAAAAAAB6M/l_OMwToORbA/t4belajhttp://lh5.ggpht.com/_RVpTV2JOOxA/S1USxUNayfI/AAAAAAAAB54/CsG2VYOApaI/t4belajarblogger15.gifarblogger20.gif

  2. broo kalo download mp3 nya yang album not sakute dmna siy ko gw kaga nemu ya..di 4shared udah broken semua..-___-"

  3. coba cari di http://mp3skull.com/






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